Laugh at yourself. It’s a superpower 🦸 πŸ¦Ήβ€β™€οΈ

100 Days to Carefree Confidence Challenge, Communicate With Confidence, Videos /

The true secret to joy is the ability to laugh at ourselves. When you can find humour in your mistakes, quirks, differences, and imperfections, you are truly winning at life! πŸ†

Day 9 of the ‘100 Days to Carefree Confidence’ Challenge is ability to laugh at yourself!

Laughing at ourselves boosts our self-confidence and self esteem. It’s a very powerful skill that helps us navigate life with more strength and positivity. And the best part is that it’s a superpower we all possess … if we CHOOSE and decide to!

So I invite you to CHOOSE to laugh at yourself – and see how that feels.

😎 And remember… Confidence looks amazing on you!