Creating a DIY Green Screen: Mistakes, Lessons and Finally… Success!

Creativity, Fun, Presentation Skills, Social Media, Videos /

As Zoom calls are on the rise, I wanted a Green Screen to swap out backdrops when I host webinars and group calls.

I looked online and the wait time was around five to six weeks and I needed mine much quicker.

A YouTube video showed me how to use cardboard to create a Green Screen, and so I began!

My DIY Green Screen home studio project took two days, three trial runs, 20+ mistakes and lots of arts and crafts to finally get a Green Screen that worked beautifully with Zoom’s backdrop.

I hope this documentation helps you as you build yours! Good luck with your project ๐Ÿ™‚

Special thanks to YouTube user: iLuvTrading for his how-to video that inspired my build.