Video Presentation Skills Action Step 7: DON’T BELIEVE IN ANY NEGATIVE SELF-TALK

Communicate With Confidence, Keynote Presentations, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Social Media /

It’s really important, before you start filming, to say the right things to yourself.

The language we use; the way we speak to ourselves and about ourselves has a massive impact on how we deliver, and the faith that we have in our own ability.

If you’re about to start filming, and you’re running negative thoughts, then you’re kicking off a worry cycle. So instead, back yourself, know that you can do this, and be kind to yourself! Positive messages lift our energy.

Today’s action step is: Don’t believe in any negative self-talk. We all have amazing messages to share, so believe in yours!

To help you build your public speaking and on-camera presentation toolkit, I’m sharing fun and easy ACTION STEPS.

If you have any public speaking or on-camera presentation questions, please message me or send an email to and I’ll create a video to answer your question… in 60 seconds or less!

Do you want to build your Video Presentation and Public Speaking Skills with Virtual Training or Speaker Coaching? Find out more here.

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